
QQ, ProWell Referrals


Wellness and medical inquiries and Referrals



Queried and Cured Tour (Code QQ)

Ailments, Medical Referrals and Aesthetics Tours

Medical Tourism can broadly be defined as provision of cost-effective private medical care in collaboration with the tourism industry for patients needing expert, surgical and other forms of specialized treatment. This is a new exciting way of receiving medical treatment involving travelling to an advanced facility, having your procedure at a much lower cost, and using the savings to opt for and enjoy a holiday during your recovery. South Africa is considered to have the best healthcare system south of the Sahara. It offers, in particular, modern private clinics supplying the latest technology combined with highly experienced and trained staff. Surgeons are required to undertake an extensive 12-year training program before qualifying, and many doctors have also achieved their medical training.

This package aims to provide facilitation for Medical and Surgical tourists who have or have developed certain conditions and are in need to see Doctors in South Africa.

Surgical Tourism is a real thing, and Cosmetic surgery is real surgery. Cosmetic surgery tourism is a price-driven phenomenon that has experienced increased growth over the past decade. Numerous companies offering all-inclusive vacation packages that include cosmetic surgery are popping up all over the world and can be easily located via the Internet.

Travel combined with surgery significantly increases risk of complications. Individually, long flights or surgery can increase the potential risk of developing pulmonary embolism and blood clots. Travelling combined with surgery further increase the risk of developing these potentially fatal complications. At the highest level of care, every surgery, including cosmetic surgery, has some risks. These risks may increase when procedures are performed without optimal care. We have designed this package with features that minimizes risks, from the choice of flight to special after-care services.

In this package we link the patient with the right doctors and facilities, arrange for their travel itinerary, their accommodation and after-care services. Our keyword is diligence.  

Benefits include; Top quality healthcare services at low cost, Patients from more than 35 countries treated in South Africa, Facilities and infrastructure in South Africa at par with international standards, South Africa has state-of-the-art Hospitals and the best qualified doctors.

The package includes;

·        Air Travel

·        Airport pick-up and drop-off

·        Doctor match and first consultation

·        Special Accommodation for 14 days

·        After-care services

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Executive Medical Checkup - Early diagnostic checkup is the new cool!
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